Friday, July 18, 2008

GSE Presentation to Rotary Club of Port Orford

by Emily Francona

Click for larger image

On July 17, GSE team leader Emily Francona and GSE team member Melissa Weinblatt presented a slide show and trip report to the Rotary Club of Port Orford. The Port Orford club is the home club of the team leader and was the sponsoring club for Port Orford resident Melissa.

Melissa explained her portions of the vocational exchange and the opportunities afforded her through this program paid for by The Rotary Foundation (TRF) - all those contributions we make over the years. Although they had fun and did get to visit some tourist sites - including the world-famous Iguazu Falls - this was not a vacation. Long days and numerous evening Rotary meetings - see photo above....

Melissa's experiences were humorous and moving - everyone favorite is "the tractor story."

For the Port Orford club, it was money well spent - meet the newest (and youngest) Port Orford Rotarian - Melissa Weinblatt.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Argentina's Independence Day - July 9

by Emily Francona

Click for larger image

Emily Francona, 2008 District 5110 GSE Team Leader extends best wishes and congratulations to her new friends in District 4790 on the occasion of Argentina's Independence Day.

The Argentine flag presented to her by District 4790 GSE Team Leader Osvaldo Gonzalez flew at Emily's house on July 9.