Sunday, May 25, 2008

Formosa - Orthodontists (and host family)

by Heather Navarette-Linnemeyer

I feel so fortunate to have such a fabulous family to stay with in Formosa - the Mora family is amazing. Nestor and Celina are both dentists - orthodontists - and have a private clinic where they do amazing things with people's teeth.

Click image for larger viewI had the opportunity to have a private class in porcelain implants with titanium screws. They have a photo journal (left - click on image for larger view) showing the many steps in the process of pulling teeth and recreating a perfect bite with implants. It has a huge effect on the pressure distribution in the mouth and entire head.

I specialize in working on the cranial bones in which they implant the screws, so it was very interesting for me to see that side of dental care and know how to better help my clients that have had such implants.

It is incredible to see their finished product, a beautiful smile. They have the best technology in computers and x-ray equipment, better than my own dentist back home.

I would definitely feel comfortable with them working on my teeth anytime. They are are very professional and put a lot of attention to diagnosis and care in their techniques.

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